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Tech stack

The tech stack that Volca is built on was chosen with the following in mind:

  • Speed - When building a SaaS product, you want to be able to ship new features to customers quickly
  • Reliability - To make sure your users keep using your product, you want to be using reliable and proven technology
  • Scalability - Start from 0 and scale to thousands of users without worrying about manually scaling your infrastructure
  • Extensibility - Start with a simple project structure that a single developer can navigate and extend it to a development environment that can support hundreds of developers
  • Security - Security creates trust with your users. Build on a foundation with established and tested security services
  • Cost - Don't spend hundreds of dollars up front on infrastructure, let your costs scale with the number of customers

Read more about the tools and libraries we use to power Volca below.


TypeScriptLanguageTypeScript enables you to write type safe frontend and backend applications while still using the vast resources that come with JavaScript.
YarnPackage ManagerFast package management with monorepo support
StripePaymentsStripe is one of the largest digital payment providers that provides hosted pages for payments and subscription management


ReactFrameworkReact is the most popular library for frontend framework and has a strong developer community.
ChakraUI LibrarySimple, modular and customizable UI components.
TypeScriptLanguageTypeScript enables you to write type safe frontend and backend applications while still using the vast resources that come with JavaScript.


PostgresqlDatabaseRelational database management systems with SQL compliance.
KoaAPI frameworkSimple exposure of API actions with error handling and middlewares.
KnexQuery builder for SQLEasily perform secure database queries without writing pure SQL
ServerlessAPI infrastructure frameworkDefine API infrastructure as code and deploy it through CLI